Kid friendly Liturgical Calendar

The liturgical year remains a mystery to a lot of faithful Catholics.  It is on a different cycle than the secular year- and strangely enough it is a mix of both solar and bits of lunar.  Just to confuse us all.  Anyway, I want to teach my kiddos to have a sense of the liturgical year.  

Among many ways to share the liturgical year the most simple is a calender.  So here is a liturgical calendar for the kiddos.   So first I got  a paper calendar from LTP. Actually I got like 40 of them for work and kept one for home.  Here is where you can get some
So first I cut the picture out and simply glued it to a piece of cardboard. But I wanted to add a hand to the calendar to point out where we are in the year.  So I looked for a popsicle stick but all I found was a nail file.  Sometimes you work with what you got- so nail file it is! 
Then I gut this part out of an old folder. I, for the life of me, have no idea what these clamp things are called.   Then I took a knife and dug a hole into Jesus' chest.  Yup. I wrote that and I did that.  It was more dramatic in blogging it than in real life. . .  I shoved the clamps through the underside of Jesus' chest hole and through a hole I put in the nail file so that back of the poster looked like this.

And voila.  . . A liturgical calendar with a moveable hand to point out the season of the year.   I am irrationally fond of it.


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